Nungar Knots rope reins have many advantages. They are soft and comfortable to hold in your hands, especially for the those long rides.They won't lose their grip or stretch when they become wet, either from water, rain or sweat.
Rope reins are easy maintenance, simply rinse in cold water and hang to dry after your ride or wash in mild detergent for thatextra clean.
The flat reins are constructed from single braided polyester yachting rope. Each end of the rein isstitched properly to avoid unravelling. They come standard as 2m long split reins or 3m long joined(continuous) reins. Both styles are fitted with high quality stainless steel trigger clips for easyattachment to the bridle or headstall of your choice. The split reins have high quality leatherpoppers fitted to the ends and also have the option of loops instead of clips. These reins are softand sit flat in your hands making them suitable for all riding disciplines.
All lead ropes can be made to any length required. Please contact us if you require a different length.
We have many of these products in stock, however, we sometimes have them made to order and sent direct from the producer. Please allow a few extra days for this when ordering.